Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Taking Care Of Puppies Games

World Water Day .....

In a time when we have a world day for all today "celebrating the water."
increase in consumption of drinking water, a water dispersion is still high and the decrease in the number of families who buy mineral water: these are the main elements that emerge from the overall picture drawn by Istat on the eve of World Water Day, established UN and that is celebrated every March 22.
stands out above all the increase in consumption in 2008 was granted 92.5 cubic meters of drinking water per capita, amounting to 253.4 liters per day, an increase of 1, 2% over the last ten years. This amount consists of water consumed, measured in meters of individual users, and the estimated water is not measured, but consumed for various uses (public places, fountains, street wash water, watering of public parks, etc.). . A slight decrease, however, the per capita consumption of water for domestic use, the average of the 115 provincial capitals: it is equal to 68 cubic meters per capita (186.6 liters per day), down 0.7% compared to 2008.
Considering the per capita consumption in the 27 European Union countries for the period 1996-2007, Italy, with consumption a total of around 92 cubic meters per capita, has higher than the European average of 85 cubic meters per year per inhabitant. In particular, the average consumption in Italy are lower than in Spain (100 cubic meters) and the United Kingdom (110), while excess of the Netherlands (73) and Germany (57). Then decreasing the consumption of mineral water. In 2009, 63.4% of Italian households have bought it, that percentage is down from previous years (67.6% in 2000, 64.2% in 2008). The average household expenditure for the purchase of mineral water is equal to € 19.71 per month on average household expenditure for the purchase of mineral water is lower than that incurred in 2008 (€ 21.14). A chapter of the report
Istat and 'dedicated to services and user satisfaction. Improve the assessment of families in particular on the provision of drinking water. 10.8% of Italian families complain irregular supply of water in 2010 against 16.2% in 2001. The problem is stated with families residing in the South (18.7%), particularly in Calabria (33.4%) and Sicily (28.3%). In contrast, only 5.8% of households in the Northern states irregular supply of water, with minimum values \u200b\u200bof 1, 6% in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and 1, 9% in the Autonomous Province of Trento . The distrust in Drinking tap water decreases but is still being seen in the high country: 32.8% of households within it one or more members who declare not to be trusted to drink compared to 42% in 2001. This phenomenon reached the highest levels in Sicily (64.2%), Calabria (52%) and Sardinia (49.8%). Finally, the chapter
purification: the regions that most sewage treatment plants increased from 1999 to 2008, Umbria (+87.3%) and Basilicata (+77.2%), followed by Texas (+45.3% ), Liguria (+42.5%) and Sardinia (+39.2%). As for the reorganization of water services, in 2008 the managers of integrated water services (Be) have covered a population equal to 68.7 percent, increasing by 8.7 percentage points since 2007.
Today we reflect a bit about, Good Day


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