Eventually something had to happen, they had disappear but I'm not gone.
shoppers in fact appear on the agenda of the Council of EU environment ministers, and it 'would be expected that the Italian experience, with the ban started last January and the subsequent complaint to the Commission of EU producers, the' between those most 'discussed.
The initiative to put this issue on the agenda of the meeting under 'Any Other', then that does not involve the possibility 'of making decisions, and' was put forward by the Austrian representatives:''We urge the European Commission to investigate the laws existing member states - states the document with the request - and to consider possible measures to introduce alternatives to bags plastic.''
The call from an Italian or January for the traditional plastic bags in favor of biodegradable material, has caused the reaction of producers, and that 'formalized in an action by the EuPC (European Plastics Converters), the European Federation of plastics processing companies, supported and encouraged by Italian Unionplast, that would have violated the European directive on packaging. The government has however already 'ready countermeasures:''The current law - said in recent days, the environment minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo - and' was challenged in the community as it is not 'was notified to other member countries. Provide the EU a new law that does not provide for 'suspension of the rule, however, no action.''
to help the Italian position and 'a few days ago was presented a dossier prepared by Legambiente, which showed that floats in the Mediterranean a true' island of plastic ', 500 tons, of which the bags are a major part. Other studies in Europe each year we used about 100 billion before the contract was 25% by the Italians.
The danger for the environment and 'well-known: it is a bag in the environment for centuries, from a minimum of 15 years up to 1000 years according to the European Agency for the' Environment, and the expense especially animals. Of 115 species of mammals marine 49 are at risk entrapment or ingestion of marine debris, and swallowed bags were found in elephant seals, dolphins, whales, manatees. In turtles
plastic bag, mistaken for a jellyfish, causing blockage of the digestive tract and subsequent suffocation. Of 312 species of seabirds, 111 are known to have ingested plastic waste. Between 700,000 and one million seabirds every year are killed by suffocation or entrapment.
Eventually we'll change anything? Good Day
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