Thursday, March 24, 2011

30000 In Student Loans

Jello catastrophe or carriers?

It starts with the Apocalypse of the Mayan calendar, we pass the prophecies of the cover of Sgt Pepper and the Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles, then there are satanic messages in Led Zeppelin's 33 laps and finally the earthquake that Rome erase from the map. This buffalo underground vague on the web since 2009 is cynically back in fashion after the earthquake that devastated Japan on March 11.
There's nothing to do, the attraction to the occult, the end of the world, self-destruction and conspiracy are the trends that we do not know just when to give up and there's nothing better than to think about here is the tick UFO in the desert American alligators in the sewers of New York, the Yeti or the mystical-occult trends of Da Vinci Code. But the destruction of Rome by the earthquake should hit on 11 May 2011 where it comes from? What is the wet dream of Dan Brown?
The story comes from the web, but may have deeper roots. The Nostradamus that has been put on this entry was inspired by the work of a researcher from Faenza, Raffaele BendaƱa this, the man of the earthquakes, the researcher Faenza born in 1893 who devised a method for forecasting earthquakes. Assuming that Bendandi never expected the mum in question, the figure remains around its mystical aura in the middle between science and the esoteric. While his work received the applause of many scientists, for his theory is still a long way to go.
Beldandi The method for earthquake prediction was based on the fact that the moon and other planets (along with the Sun) are the cause of the movements of the crust, which actually swells, deforms the Earth's surface, with timing and rhythm-dependent position of celestial bodies. But no one gave it straight to Faenza, Beldandi predicted that January 2, 1924 there has been an earthquake in the Marche. The earthquake actually occurred, but two days late. However, the Corriere della Sera devoted the front page, calling him "the One who foresees the earthquakes", and his fame grew well at international level.
Beldandi Leaving aside the possibility that the earthquake predicted to occur are really almost nothing to say and not the realm of Circe, and even the turban of the Divine Otelma, but the Department of Earth Sciences, University La Sapienza of Rome. Explaining that the City of Rome is not a highly seismic, so that there are no historical traces of the devastating earthquake with an epicenter in the city: the only areas that may be affected by phenomena of this kind are the Colli Albani, more 20 km from the capital of Abruzzo and the Apennines, over 100 km away.
But above all, to date, there are tools to be able to forecast earthquakes. For the doom that remains is to wait for the next movie playback on the "Big One" that sooner or later will fall on California. From this Thursday
thrill you? Good Day! Roberto


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