Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Our Space "Life "....

The feeling that our living space decreases every day, we have the dawn of time, ie when a certain point become adults we realize that the pitch of "meeting" after our tasks is gone.
are cleared each year in Italy an average of 500 square kilometers of land, as if it were swallowed up the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Milan. In the lead, Lombardy with 14% of artificial surfaces, followed by Veneto (11%), Campania (10.7%), Lazio and Emilia-Romagna (9%). And there 'then the case of Rome''striking''that 15 years has seen the urban areas increased by 12%. This is the main aspect which focuses on the annual report 'Environment Italy 2011' Environment League, presented today in Rome. The estimate
more 'reliable urban areas - according to the report published by Editions Environment - and 'a''''2,350,000 acres, representing 7.6% of the country, equal to 415 square meters per capita. The consumption of the earth''- said Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, president of Legambiente - and today 'an indicator of the country's problems'', so' as the hydrogeological''.'' The photographer
Legambiente report emergencies such as the emergence of the beautiful country homes, the decline in GDP and consumption. Among the unresolved issues, Legambiente still reports the mobility 'and pollution (especially in the Po Valley), as well as employment, culture, and research. Good results are achieved with the expansion of forests, and (in part) in the waste sector.
will eventually give us ... to set ourselves a limit?
Good Day! Roberto


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