Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hand Warmer Poison Cat

Sometimes they talk and maybe we meet to hear some news from a distance, with those that quell'indolenza: 2tanto far from us. "Instead, our eco-system is risking a lot with the possible extinction of species animals.
From a genetic perspective, the Siberian tiger and 'practically extinct, being less than 14 copies left., according to a study published in the journal Mammalian Biology, that the few hundred remaining tigers diversity' genetic 'very low, a sign of poor health.
A team of researchers in Russia, Spain and Germany analyzed the DNA of 15 specimens of Siberian tiger, looking for some specific markers of abundance population genetics, which show how the sample studied is different from their parents. The result 'was that in recent history, probably in the '20s and '40s, there was a' genetic bottleneck ', a period that is' where the tigers were so' very little to diminish the amount 'genes' available ', from which these animals have not been more' included. A great diversity
'genetic' essential for an animal species, because 'decreases the probability' of disease transmission and rare because 'people with the same genes are more' vulnerable to disease: "The level and 'so' down - claim experts - to cast doubt on the possibility 'to save these animals. "
A moment to stop and think that I think is more "acceptable" Good Day! Roberto


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