Friday, March 4, 2011

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The Kyoto Protocol ... the tale of the century!

seems the fattest mockery of the story, a joke, a good intention that no one ever joined. Click
''clarity on the future of the Kyoto Protocol.'' And 'This was the invitation that Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC - United Nations framework convention on climate change) has addressed the''government''during a visit to Japan, where on Thursday' March 3 and 'A series of informal negotiations between Japan and Brazil.
Chief United Nations climate change has also asked for'' rapidly in the last agreements reached at Cancun Summit into concrete action.'' As outlined in Cancun - continued the Secretary of the Convention - is the''most 'complete package ever agreed by the governments''to''reach a comprehensive agreement.''
Although''the sum of the promises of reducing emissions to reach only 60% of what 'community that is indicated by the' scientific.'' Governments - Figueres said - should''take the plunge this year at the Durban conference.'' States, so has' concluded Figueres, should find ways to cut emissions of the''double'', also deciding the fate of the Kyoto Protocol,''the only current that led to a reduction in emissions'', and''ensure''funding technology to developing countries.
A "lecitissimo" certainly wish you a good weekend! Roberto


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