food and health.
to dispel the myth that food hurts too far, here is a story that gives us some indication of which foods are healthy. In
technical term is called nutraceuticals, in practice the word refers to a set of so-called "functional foods", or foods that contain active ingredients of plant or animal origin can play a beneficial effect on our physical and curative like the drug. These super-foods can be useful against many diseases like hypertension, depression, Alzheimer's disease and metabolic syndrome. In short, choosing the right foods can be challenging to many shots of a knife and fork "epidemics" 'Italy's aging.
For example, not everyone knows that maize is able to develop our body's defenses against some toxic substances in the air is filled full of smog in our cities. Explain Cesare Sirtori, president of the Italian Society of Nutraceuticals (SINut) and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Milan: "The high levels of flavonoids in maize develop defenses against toxic substances in our body called fumonisins, fungal toxins present environmental in high concentrations in the case of high humidity and atmospheric contamination. " Corn is just one example of food Friends health highlighted in Milan in the recent National Congress of SINut, which was attended by leading industry experts. "Nutraceuticals" is a term wide that includes the foods that provide useful substances, such as extra virgin olive oil, vegetable protein and soy lupine and bitter chocolate, food supplements (such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids extracted from fish), probiotics (cultures of bacteria that colonize the gut by improving its functionality) and prebiotics (non-digestible organic matter can promote the growth of probiotic bacteria).
"Besides garlic, celery and lupine - said prof. Bruno Trimarco University of Naples Federico II - highlighted positive remarks in the treatment of hypertension for potassium, zinc, magnesium and vitamins ( B6, C, D, E). Important results have recently been provided by the association between an extract of red rice and simsetina, a natural substance of plant origin. It 'was possible to demonstrate a clinically significant reduction of ressure and do not differ from that seen with traditional antihypertensive drugs, in addition to a significant drop in cholesterol. "
also against the' evil of living 'may be warranted in the case of certain natural substances failure of traditional therapies. "As evidenced by a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry '- notes Maurizio Fava, professor of psychiatry in the U.S., Harvard Medical School in Boston - have been achieved amazing results in depressed patients with no response to standard therapy with an amino acid (S-adenosylmethionine, present in all animal tissues), which helps produce serotonin and dopamine with excellent tolerability.
"The nutraceutical, combining the science of nutrition to clinical medicine, is the backbone of the anti-aging medicine - Scapagnini says John, a professor of clinical biochemistry at the University of Molise - There are foods that stimulate the body's natural defenses and the Mediterranean diet based on olive oil, fish and vegetables, is the paradigm for the prevention of many diseases. For example, the oleocantale extracted from olive oil is a more potent anti-inflammatory ibuprofen; resveratrol content in grapes and 'able to activate sirtuins, proteins that defend
cellular DNA from oxidative stress, increasing longevity, and omega-3 triglycerides regularize and protect the heart. "nutraceuticals
I can even help those who has bad relations with Morpheus: "The combination of melatonin, zinc and magnesium, inserted into the flesh of pear, improves the sleep of the elderly patient, with positive effects on mood, provide specialists Sinut. Finally, the spotlight also turned on Lupin, a legume that experts call to 'brush up' on the modern table: "At the time of the Egyptians and Romans represented a very important source of protein, but from the Americas after the arrival of new food crops (like potato, tomato and maize) has fallen almost into disuse. "Yet, the lupine has demonstrated its ability to lower total cholesterol by 4.2%. Something better can be done, always against cholesterol, apple pectin, which can give rise to an average decrease of 5.3%. But do not peel the fruit "because only the peel contains pectin.
How to say well there is a slightly for every "evil" ... good day!
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