Thursday, March 24, 2011

30000 In Student Loans

Jello catastrophe or carriers?

It starts with the Apocalypse of the Mayan calendar, we pass the prophecies of the cover of Sgt Pepper and the Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles, then there are satanic messages in Led Zeppelin's 33 laps and finally the earthquake that Rome erase from the map. This buffalo underground vague on the web since 2009 is cynically back in fashion after the earthquake that devastated Japan on March 11.
There's nothing to do, the attraction to the occult, the end of the world, self-destruction and conspiracy are the trends that we do not know just when to give up and there's nothing better than to think about here is the tick UFO in the desert American alligators in the sewers of New York, the Yeti or the mystical-occult trends of Da Vinci Code. But the destruction of Rome by the earthquake should hit on 11 May 2011 where it comes from? What is the wet dream of Dan Brown?
The story comes from the web, but may have deeper roots. The Nostradamus that has been put on this entry was inspired by the work of a researcher from Faenza, Raffaele Bendaña this, the man of the earthquakes, the researcher Faenza born in 1893 who devised a method for forecasting earthquakes. Assuming that Bendandi never expected the mum in question, the figure remains around its mystical aura in the middle between science and the esoteric. While his work received the applause of many scientists, for his theory is still a long way to go.
Beldandi The method for earthquake prediction was based on the fact that the moon and other planets (along with the Sun) are the cause of the movements of the crust, which actually swells, deforms the Earth's surface, with timing and rhythm-dependent position of celestial bodies. But no one gave it straight to Faenza, Beldandi predicted that January 2, 1924 there has been an earthquake in the Marche. The earthquake actually occurred, but two days late. However, the Corriere della Sera devoted the front page, calling him "the One who foresees the earthquakes", and his fame grew well at international level.
Beldandi Leaving aside the possibility that the earthquake predicted to occur are really almost nothing to say and not the realm of Circe, and even the turban of the Divine Otelma, but the Department of Earth Sciences, University La Sapienza of Rome. Explaining that the City of Rome is not a highly seismic, so that there are no historical traces of the devastating earthquake with an epicenter in the city: the only areas that may be affected by phenomena of this kind are the Colli Albani, more 20 km from the capital of Abruzzo and the Apennines, over 100 km away.
But above all, to date, there are tools to be able to forecast earthquakes. For the doom that remains is to wait for the next movie playback on the "Big One" that sooner or later will fall on California. From this Thursday
thrill you? Good Day! Roberto

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phased Array Antenna Db4

Fly safe.

On the eve of my fiftieth air travel, to exorcise some pre-take off my fears I am interested in a single classification. That companies safer and more dangerous.
In 2010 the number of people dying because of air disasters has increased compared to 2009. But in the last 30 years, seven of the 60 most important companies in the world have never after a single incident. 7
THE MORE LINES 'SAFE - The Jacdec, German agency that monitors air crashes, has compiled the ranking of the world's safest airlines. And on top of the list are Air Berlin, Finnair, TAP, Qantas, Air New Zealand, Cathay Pacific Airways and All Nippon Airways (ANA). The search for Jacdec cover only the last 30 years. Lufthansa ranks the 21th place instead.
6 LE PIU 'DANGEROUS - The three companies are more dangerous to the Brazilian Tam Jacdec with six accidents and 336 deaths since 1980, China Airlines, with nine accidents and 755 deaths, the Brazilian airline Gol Transportes Aéreos founded in 2001, with a dead and 154 wounded. Between the lines considered There are also dangerous Saudi Arabian Airlines, Garuda Indonesia and Korean Air.
good trip and choose well. Good

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Marzetti Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

microintervista Blog Centostorie

here is the link of that made me microintervista Blog Centostorie.
Special thanks to Antonio, Aurora and Stella, beautiful and initiatives to organize for their keen eye on the world 's Books for children.
I've never been in their library, but we hope to visit him soon!

Taking Care Of Puppies Games

World Water Day .....

In a time when we have a world day for all today "celebrating the water."
increase in consumption of drinking water, a water dispersion is still high and the decrease in the number of families who buy mineral water: these are the main elements that emerge from the overall picture drawn by Istat on the eve of World Water Day, established UN and that is celebrated every March 22.
stands out above all the increase in consumption in 2008 was granted 92.5 cubic meters of drinking water per capita, amounting to 253.4 liters per day, an increase of 1, 2% over the last ten years. This amount consists of water consumed, measured in meters of individual users, and the estimated water is not measured, but consumed for various uses (public places, fountains, street wash water, watering of public parks, etc.). . A slight decrease, however, the per capita consumption of water for domestic use, the average of the 115 provincial capitals: it is equal to 68 cubic meters per capita (186.6 liters per day), down 0.7% compared to 2008.
Considering the per capita consumption in the 27 European Union countries for the period 1996-2007, Italy, with consumption a total of around 92 cubic meters per capita, has higher than the European average of 85 cubic meters per year per inhabitant. In particular, the average consumption in Italy are lower than in Spain (100 cubic meters) and the United Kingdom (110), while excess of the Netherlands (73) and Germany (57). Then decreasing the consumption of mineral water. In 2009, 63.4% of Italian households have bought it, that percentage is down from previous years (67.6% in 2000, 64.2% in 2008). The average household expenditure for the purchase of mineral water is equal to € 19.71 per month on average household expenditure for the purchase of mineral water is lower than that incurred in 2008 (€ 21.14). A chapter of the report
Istat and 'dedicated to services and user satisfaction. Improve the assessment of families in particular on the provision of drinking water. 10.8% of Italian families complain irregular supply of water in 2010 against 16.2% in 2001. The problem is stated with families residing in the South (18.7%), particularly in Calabria (33.4%) and Sicily (28.3%). In contrast, only 5.8% of households in the Northern states irregular supply of water, with minimum values \u200b\u200bof 1, 6% in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and 1, 9% in the Autonomous Province of Trento . The distrust in Drinking tap water decreases but is still being seen in the high country: 32.8% of households within it one or more members who declare not to be trusted to drink compared to 42% in 2001. This phenomenon reached the highest levels in Sicily (64.2%), Calabria (52%) and Sardinia (49.8%). Finally, the chapter
purification: the regions that most sewage treatment plants increased from 1999 to 2008, Umbria (+87.3%) and Basilicata (+77.2%), followed by Texas (+45.3% ), Liguria (+42.5%) and Sardinia (+39.2%). As for the reorganization of water services, in 2008 the managers of integrated water services (Be) have covered a population equal to 68.7 percent, increasing by 8.7 percentage points since 2007.
Today we reflect a bit about, Good Day

Monday, March 21, 2011

Radiculopathy And Erectile Dysfunction

Magazines logos editions

In the March issue of Illustrated, the magazine of the Logos editions, there is' one of my illustration.


can watch the preview of the magazine here:

Bearded Dragon Sore Eye

Welcome spring and then go outdoors.

Here comes the summer "Finally" and then off to new adventures! I wanted to report a series of initiatives by the FAI.
is the proposal for the weekend of 25 and 26 March of the friends of the Italian Cycling Federation (stories) that this year the wedding day of spring Italian Environment Fund (FAI) with dozens of bike tours planned throughout Italy.
parallel to the guided tours and opening to the public of extraordinary cultural scheduled for last weekend of the month, the associations of environmental-cycle Fiab organize tours throughout Italy to go strictly by bicycle and also open to non-members, promoting the benefits and potential of cycling. In most cases, moreover, monuments, cultural sites, the gardens can also be achieved using the formula of integrated transport and a bike train that provides transportation in some areas of the bicycles on regional trains for Trenitalia.
Initiatives are over fifty, spread over the entire peninsula. Anyone can find the path best suited to their tastes, even those who do not have much time to move over long distances. Starting from the South, for example, Sicily offers diverse uscite: la scoperta di Palermo, dal Castello di Maredolce al Teatro Santa Ceclia; la bellissima città barocca di Ragusa, esplorando i meandri di Ragusa Ibla con visita al monumento di archeologia industriale della Cava Gonfalone. Gli amanti delle due ruote e della Lucania potranno dilettarsi in poco più di cinquanta chilometri da Policoro, in provincia di Matera, con il Castello del barone Berlingieri, attraversando il Parco archeologico di Policoro, l'oasi Bosco Pantano e visita alla Torre Bollita. In Puglia fra i percorsi si segnalano in particolare quello che dalla stazione di Bisceglie parte alla volta dei luoghi di culto romanici nel borgo antico di Trani e quello che da Maglie percorre l'area del bosco Belvedere, un'antica foresta di querce sostituita 800 at the end of the cultivation of olive trees, watching one of the many sinkholes in the karst area.
interesting itineraries organized in Lazio. One option is suitable for families with children, expected to arrive at Tivoli - from London - by train, walk up the mountain in the homonymous Catillo sull'Aniene landscape and nature reserve with a visit to Villa Gregoriana. The bike is bestrides then take the scenic route of Marcellina and paths that are interwoven into the valley on its way to Guidonia. Another route instead tap some of the most beautiful places in Ciociaria as Fumone, Lake Canterno, and Anagni Fiuggi, where you can visit the series of paintings, recently restored, the Church of San Pietro in Vineis.
move north, so many initiatives in Lombardy, not only in Milan. Planned a visit to Villa Supreme Picenardi Olgiate Molgora with a journey by rail from Arcore to Olgiate with bike on two wheels and back up through the park's Curone. From Bergamo we will start exploring the underground instead of Villa Castelbarco, while in Brescia is all the way into town, with a visit to the castle. From Cremona, ride to the village of Monticelli d'Oglio seventeenth century with a walk in the streets, castle and garden on the river in the park.
Among the other regions involved are Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Toscana, Piemonte, Marche, Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto. All the routes (with programs and contact details for information) are on the website of the fairy tales ( and that of the Fai ( / Cycling-with-the-FIAB.htm). Meanwhile
Good Day and welcome the spring! Roberto

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kitano's Painting Battle Royale

Eye to Cart! Greetings

happens at least once to spend weekdays at the "weekly" to take it and darting among the various departments of the supermarket. The shopping cart is a real reservoir of microbes, especially the handle. For here lurk more bacteria than they are in the public toilets. You could run for cover, but the gadget saves hands was considered too expensive to be widely adopted.
A recent study by the University of Arizona (USA) revealed that 72% of the trucks is a positive test for the detection of fecal bacteria, and half that of Escherichia coli, a microorganism of the most aggressive and resistant to the world . To resolve the problem we thought an Italian entrepreneur who has patented a system that can act as a shield between the germs on the handle of the truck and our hands. But the mass distribution appears to have accepted the news without enthusiasm, claiming budget problems that hinder its adoption on a large scale.
Franco Berto, Mira (Venice), has developed "an innovative cap-moniouso handle for the cart, which ensures hygiene of our hands polycarbonate biodegradable corn-based, so naturally. Just slip it over the handle of the basket and hold it normally, but avoid 'to get in contact with viruses and bacteria. Company would be ready to produce this device, but the big retail chains are not interested. "
" Every time we touch the handle of the basket does not think to wash their hands - remember Berto - nor do we know if those who used it before us has made this simple gesture. Given the considerable number of people who daily touch the trolley handle viruses, bacteria and aggressive forms of fungi proliferate on this surface. After confirming the problem with special studies, we thought to produce and patent protection that performs the function of encapsulate and preserve the trolley handle. There is a similar idea in Europe, the United States alone came up with a disinfection system, but cost much more: our save-cart costs only 6.4 euro cents. "However, since the investment on the our health does not seem favorable reception, at least remember, after doing the shopping, wash hands thoroughly.
Eye to your cart and good day!

Removing Shower Doors

Italy ... us Italians!

Brothers of Italy Italy has awakened,
, With Scipio
She has bound her head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down,
slave of Rome
God has made.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.

We for centuries
downtrodden and derided,
Why not one people,
Because we are divided.

Let one flag, one hope
us together
Already the hour has struck.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.

Let us unite and love one another,
the Union, and the love

Reveal to peoples The way of the Lord;

swear to free Our native soil

united under God, Who can defeat us?
gather cohort
Ready to die
called Italy. From the Alps to Sicily

Legnano is everywhere, Ferruccio

Every man has the heart, has a hand
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each ring
the Vespers.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.

Son that drunk
swords sold:
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy,
the Polish blood
drank, along with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
a cohort
Ready to die
Italy called

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Is The Fall Per Foot On A Wheelchair Ramp

News from spring!

might seem the news of the year, but it is not so, because, in reality, very often, that spring starts on March 20 instead of 21. Indeed, it is more the rule than the exception. The spring, in fact, is defined as the period beginning with the spring equinox.
latter is that instant when, because of the position in which it has Earth in its orbit around the Sun, the Sun itself assumes a position perpendicular to the equator. That day, the sun rises almost exactly east and sets almost exactly in the west.
In theory, it is also the day of equal length between day and night (the word "equinox" comes from Latin and means "equal night"), but then, for a number of factors, the day lasts a bit 'more of the night. The day of March in which it falls to the equinox marks the northern hemisphere (the one where we are) the beginning of spring, while across the world, in the southern hemisphere, autumn begins, because the seasons are reversed.
And here is the astronomical explanation. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, the apparent position of the Sun moves in a circle in the whole period of one year. This circle is called the ecliptic, and is also the Earth's orbital plane projected on the celestial sphere. The other planets visible to the naked eye (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) appear to move along the ecliptic, because their orbits are on a level similar to that of Earth. The other circle in the sky is the celestial equator, which is the projection of the earth on the celestial sphere.
Because the axis of rotation of the Earth is tilted with respect to the plane of the celestial equator is inclined to the ecliptic. Twice a year, the Sun crosses the Earth's equatorial plane. These two points are the equinoxes.

equinox has always been assigned important meanings in all cultures. In Christianity, the vernal equinox coincided with the conception of Jesus Coming celebrated his birth on December 25, the reference date for the conception, March 25, that is, in fact, the day when we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation, or the announcement of conception (virgin) and the birth of Jesus is being done to his mother Mary by the Archangel Gabriel.
Also in Christianity, the spring equinox is also the starting point for calculating the date of Easter. This is determined from year to year, the Sunday following the first full moon (full moon) after the equinox. Good
then spring! Roberto

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Connecting External Harddrive To Cell Phone

And what about the shopper?

Eventually something had to happen, they had disappear but I'm not gone.
shoppers in fact appear on the agenda of the Council of EU environment ministers, and it 'would be expected that the Italian experience, with the ban started last January and the subsequent complaint to the Commission of EU producers, the' between those most 'discussed.
The initiative to put this issue on the agenda of the meeting under 'Any Other', then that does not involve the possibility 'of making decisions, and' was put forward by the Austrian representatives:''We urge the European Commission to investigate the laws existing member states - states the document with the request - and to consider possible measures to introduce alternatives to bags plastic.''
The call from an Italian or January for the traditional plastic bags in favor of biodegradable material, has caused the reaction of producers, and that 'formalized in an action by the EuPC (European Plastics Converters), the European Federation of plastics processing companies, supported and encouraged by Italian Unionplast, that would have violated the European directive on packaging. The government has however already 'ready countermeasures:''The current law - said in recent days, the environment minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo - and' was challenged in the community as it is not 'was notified to other member countries. Provide the EU a new law that does not provide for 'suspension of the rule, however, no action.''
to help the Italian position and 'a few days ago was presented a dossier prepared by Legambiente, which showed that floats in the Mediterranean a true' island of plastic ', 500 tons, of which the bags are a major part. Other studies in Europe each year we used about 100 billion before the contract was 25% by the Italians.
The danger for the environment and 'well-known: it is a bag in the environment for centuries, from a minimum of 15 years up to 1000 years according to the European Agency for the' Environment, and the expense especially animals. Of 115 species of mammals marine 49 are at risk entrapment or ingestion of marine debris, and swallowed bags were found in elephant seals, dolphins, whales, manatees. In turtles
plastic bag, mistaken for a jellyfish, causing blockage of the digestive tract and subsequent suffocation. Of 312 species of seabirds, 111 are known to have ingested plastic waste. Between 700,000 and one million seabirds every year are killed by suffocation or entrapment.
Eventually we'll change anything? Good Day


Monday, March 14, 2011

Breast Cancer Shoulder Pai

The solution for the job is called "Blue Economy".

Good news for those of CRCA place in the world of work.
''In 10 years, 100 and 100 innovations million jobs, by learning from nature,''how to''get out of the economic crisis.'' This is the challenge launched by the economist Gunter Pauli in the book''Blue''economy that this offers a taste of the show, now in Rome, at the''2011''Aurelio Peccei Lecture organized by WWF Italy and the Fondazione Aurelio Peccei (Club of Rome), in cooperation with UniCredit, among the initiatives for Earth Hour - The Hour of the Earth (the global event for the climate).
Economist has devised''a veritable catalog of 100 innovations, not only feasible but already 'made, inspired by the mechanisms that''natural''may pave the way for a system Economic''new and more 'sustainable. The result is''to get 100 million jobs in 10 years''and provide''a way out of economic crisis.'' According to Pauli
imitate nature is good because it 's''a perfect and efficient production system.'' And, for example,''you could imitate the whale's heart that pumps blood for 80 years with just 6 volts,''or''the two-color coat of the zebra can adjust the temperature,''or''systems collection of water beetles in the Namib Desert.'' Nature - concludes the author of the book edited by the WWF in Italy and published by Editions Environment - and 'the starting point for new opportunities' business.
The Blue Economy and 'a''cultural revolution''to''change the world - said the director of WWF Italy Gianfranco Bologna - that' a new meaning to the inestimable richness of nature understood as a''teacher'' technological solutions and new business.'' How to say I take
conscience and I work even on! Good Day

(source USA Today)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ways To Stop Night Terrors In Babies

but bad air that pulls ...

Just do not succeed, we are still a lot of trouble with the air we breathe in the city and the alarm bells as the souona always legambiente ".
Just two months after the beginning of 2011 are already 22 provincial capitals that have passed 35 days of slippage of PM10 permitted. Leading the ranking of cities most polluted by fine particles Milan with 56 days 'outlaws', followed by Turin (54) and Brescia, who, despite having lost the first compared to 2010, record of 51 days off-limits. Are the data on air pollution presented by Legambiente today in Rome for the opening - attended by the Minister of Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo, and the CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Mauro Moretti - Campaign tracking of air pollution and noise ' Green Train '.
In many cities of the valley leading positions: eight in the top ten and 18 among the 22 who have breached the legal limit. At South Central Frost has already exceeded the legal limit 48 days, followed by Naples and Pescara, which totaled 36. Other big cities like Rome and Florence, 29 and 28 days of slippage, is now approaching its limit. Not to be complacent on this front back on track the Green Train of Legambiente and Railways.
The Green Train - made this year with the participation of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, in collaboration with ANCI part of the campaign 'the Covenant' - brings on board the coaches a lot of information on mobility sustainable, renewable energy, energy conservation, the responsible purchasing decisions and the proper management of waste.

Starting today from Rome, the Green Train of Legambiente will head to Syracuse, Reggio Calabria and Bari, then going through the peninsula Salerno, Pisa, Genoa, Brescia, Vicenza and Rimini. For each stage, the special train will analyze air quality and noise levels through surveys conducted by the Laboratory of the Institute's experimental mobile RFI (Italian Railway Network), a subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato, while for the third consecutive year the 'Green Train crew, with the help of scientific equipment provided by Con.tec, make monitoring more on the concentration of fine particles in other areas. In addition to the PM10, for each city visited, surveys will be conducted on the atmospheric concentrations of benzene, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone. At the center of
22/ma edition of the Green Train, the city, with particular reference to the 'Covenant of Mayors' (Covenant of Mayors), the European Agreement under which the municipalities agree on a voluntary basis to achieve by 2020 , plans to fit the objectives of 20-20-20 (20% reduction in CO2 emissions, increase to 20% the contribution of renewables and reduce energy consumption by 20%). The city administrations during the stages of the Green Train, will therefore be called to accept the challenge of working towards environmental sustainability. The
'' Covenant of Mayors is a practical tool to win the battle against climate change, starting right from the redevelopment of our cities in key energy,''said Ross Muroni, national director of Legambiente.
Of course we must begin to do better ... Good Day


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vegetables Containing Arginine

Airlines and pollution ... March 8

officially report cards come out of the airlines and as if the Cavino with the environment.
An index to measure the degree of pollution of airlines: it has developed a German NGO - the atmosphere - to raise awareness about the impact of this means of transport.
The index, called 'Atmosfair Airline Index', will be 'presented Wednesday' at international tourism fair (ITB) in Berlin, but the NGO has already 'published the first ranking on the Internet for global carriers' environmental performance'.
the classification assigned to each company a certain number of so-called 'points' efficiency ', which are calculated based on factors such as efficiency of planes used in terms of consumption and the density' of seats offered on each aircraft.
from the general classification shows that the companies' most 'green' and 'the British charter airline Monarch Airlines (with 77.4 points), while the worst and' the South African Airlink regional airline (13.8 points). The ranking, which includes 116 companies', sees Alitalia 85th place (45.8 points) and Alitalia Express (which operates with only two planes) to 111esimo place (30.6 points).
Among the other major European airlines, Iberia and 'at the 25th place (63.2), Air France and' at the 37th (60.5), Lufthansa and 'the 52nd (56.6) and British Airways' in the 61st place (52.6).
Three American companies, always in the overall rankings, U.S. Airways' in 29th place (62.5), Delta Air Lines' at the 33rd place (61.7), and Continental Airlines' in 38th place (60.3 ) and United Airlines' in 48th place (58.1).
The test 'based on three types of links, those short-distance (up 800 km), those at medium distance (800 km to 3,800 km) and the long distance (over 3,800 km). None of the airlines considered and 'managed to win the first (' A ') or second (' B ')' class 'efficiency': the short list, only 11 carriers were placed in the third class ('C') while a number of companies' deals with almost the same band 'D' (49) and the band 'E' (42). The last two performance ratings are the 'F' (11 carriers) and the 'G' (3).
The index says the site can 'be used to choose which airline to travel in order to reduce the environmental impact of travel. In general, says the NGO, the company 'with the most number of points and 'even the most' efficient environment, regardless of the length of the trip. It must be said, however, 'emphasizes atmosfair that a direct link has less impact on the environment than one that provides a call, even though the company has lower efficiency.
Other interesting food for thought no? Roberto

Good Day (Source: Reuters).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Happened To I Deep Throat Heather Brooke

a bit of history

between strip and dinners with friends, between hype and craziness at all costs, we take the "oars" and reflect on this day.
The International Women's Day, commonly known as Women's Day, occurs on 8 March each year to remember both the social achievements of women in political and economic, both discrimination and violence they are yet declared in many parts of the world.
In VII Congress of the Second Socialist International, held in Stuttgart 18 to 24 August 1907, attended by 884 delegates from 25 nations - including the greatest socialist leaders of the time, as the Germans Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, August Bebel , Lenin and Martov the Russians, the French Jean Jaurès - were discussed thesis on what attitude to take in the event of a European war, colonialism, and also on women's issues and demands of the vote to women. On the latter topic
Congress passed a resolution socialist parties committed themselves to "fight vigorously for the introduction of universal suffrage of women," without "an alliance with the bourgeois feminists who claim the right of suffrage, but with the socialist parties fighting for the suffrage of women." Two days later, on August 26 to 27, was held an international conference of socialist women, attended by 58 delegates from 13 countries in which it was decided the creation of an Information Office of Socialist Women: Clara Zetkin was elected secretary and drawn from her journal, Die Gleichheit (Equality), became the organ of the International Socialist Women.
Not everyone shared the decision to exclude any alliance with the "bourgeois feminists": the United States, the Socialist Corinne Brown wrote in February 1908 in the journal The Socialist Woman, that Congress would not have had "no right to dictate to women as a socialist and who work for their liberation. " It was the same Corinne Brown to chair, May 3, 1908, because the absence of the official designated in the conference held every Sunday from the Socialist Party in the Garrick Theater in Chicago: the conference, to which all women were invited, was called "Woman's Day, the day of the woman. In fact, there was discussion of the operational exploitation by employers against women workers in terms of low wages and hours of labor, gender discrimination and voting rights to women.
that initiative did not follow immediately, but at the end of the American Socialist Party urged all local branches' to reserve the last Sunday in February 1909 for organizing a demonstration in favor of women's right to vote '. So it was that the United States and the first official Women's Day was celebrated on February 28, 1909.
The long strike that saw more than 20,000 New York seamstress, which lasted from 22 November 1908-15 February 1909, was seen in Woman's Day held in New York on February 27 next, as an event that united the claims unions to political recognition of the right to vote for women. The American Socialist delegation, strong affirmation of the now-established Women's Day event, so they decided to propose to the second International Conference of Socialist Women, held in Folkets Hus (House of the People) in Copenhagen, 26 to 27 August 1910 - two days before the opening of the eighth Congress of the Socialist International - to establish a common day dedicated to the vindication of the rights of women.
the agendas of the session and in resolutions passed in that conference does not appear that the present 100 women representing 17 countries have set up a day dedicated to the rights of women is, however, in Die Gleichheit, written by Clara Zetkin, a motion for the establishment of the International Women's Day was "was taken as a resolution."
While the U.S. continues to be held the last Sunday of February, in some European countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark - International Women's Day was held for the first time March 19, 1911 [1] on the choice of the International Secretariat Socialist women. According to the testimony of Aleksandra Kollontaj, that date was chosen because in Germany, "March 19, 1848 during the revolution, the King of Prussia for the first time to recognize the power of a people in arms and surrender before the threat of a proletarian revolt. Among the many promises made that and then forgot, included the recognition of the right of women to vote. " In France, the event was held March 18, 1911, when it fell on the fortieth anniversary of the Paris Commune.
But it was not repeated every year, not celebrated in all countries was held in Russia for the first time in St. Petersburg in 1913, March 3, at the initiative of the Bolshevik Party, with a rally in the stock market Kalašaikovskij, and was interrupted by the Tsarist police that operated numerous arrests. In Germany, after the celebration of 1911, was repeated for the first time on 8 March 1914, a day of "Red Week" proclaimed by the upheavals of German socialists, while in France held a conference organized by the Socialist Party in Paris March 9, 1914.
The celebrations were interrupted by World War in all the belligerent countries, while in St. Petersburg, 8 March 1917 - February 23 according to the Julian calendar then in force in Russia - the women of the capital led a large demonstration that the claimed end of the war: the sluggish reaction of the Cossacks sent to quell the protest encouraged further protests that led to the collapse of Tsarism, now completely discredited and even without the support of the armed forces, so that the 8 March 1917 has remained in history to indicate the beginning of the "Russian Revolution February. For this reason, and to fix a common day for all countries, 14 June 1921 the Second international conference of Communist women, held in Moscow a week before the opening of the Third Congress of the Communist set at 8 March, the "International Day of the worker."
In Italy, the International Women's Day was held for the first time only in 1922 on the initiative of the Communist Party of Italy, who wanted to celebrate March 12 as the first Sunday after the now fateful March 8. In those days it was founded the biweekly magazine Company, which reported on 1 March 1925 an article by Lenin, who died the year before, he remembered on 8 March as International Women's Day, which had taken an active part in social struggles and in the overthrow of Tsarism. The strong political connotation
Women's Day, the political isolation of Russia and the communist movement and, finally, the events of World War II, contributed to the loss of historical memory of the real origins of the event. So after the war began to circulate other versions, according to which the March 8 would remember the deaths of hundreds of workers in the fire in a shirt factory in New York, which is likely to be confused with a real tragedy that occurred in that city on 25 March 1911, factory fire Triangle, in which 146 workers died, mostly young immigrant women from Europe. Other versions cited the violent police repression of a demonstration by union textile workers in New York in 1857, [3] while others reported that strikes or accidents that occurred in Chicago, Boston or New York.
Despite the research carried out by different feminists in the late 70s and 80s have shown the error of these reconstructions, the same is still widespread among the mass media in the propaganda of the unions.
In September 1944 he created in Rome the UDI, Union Women in Italy, at the initiative of women in the CP, the Socialist Party, the Party of Action, the Left and the Christian Democrats and Labour was the UDI to take the initiative to celebrate the March 8, 1945, the first day of women in the zones of freedom, while in London was approved and sent the UN a Women's Charter which demands equal rights and working conditions. By the end of the war, March 8, 1946 was celebrated throughout Italy and saw the first appearance of its symbol, the mimosa, which blooms in its first days of March, according to an idea of \u200b\u200bTeresa Noce, [8] Rita Montagnana and Teresa Mattei.
In the years of 1950 years of the Cold War and the Ministry Scelba, distribute or disseminate that day mimosa We women, the monthly magazine of the Union of Italian Women (UDI), was an act "likely to disturb public order", and hold a banquet on the street became "illegal occupation of public land." [10] In 1959 the Parliamentary Pina Palumbo, Giuliana Nenni Luisa Balboni and presented a proposal law to make International Women's Day a national holiday, but the initiative fell on deaf ears.
The political climate improved in the following decade, but the applicant still did not get the public hearing until, with the seventies, there appeared a new phenomenon in Italy: the feminist movement. Otto March
Good! Roberto

Does Steel Seal Work?

Cleame up day in Australia

E 'one of those times when you can to feel useful, although for a sosa talmetne small as to seem invisible.
But they have been over half a million Australians have collected over 16 hours thousand tons of waste, in 7400 localities' of the country, in the 21 edition of the Clean Up Day is the founder of the event spread around the world now, Ian Kiernan, has renewed its request to impose a refundable deposit on beverage containers, which this year are the most waste 'joint disposed of after the cigarette butts.
This year, volunteers have dedicated a special commitment to the community 'of Queensland affected by devastating floods and Cyclone Yasi. Within the framework of what is' the army was soon nicknamed the mud, in most 'of 23 000 people helped clean up parks, bike trails, the banks of streams and beaches, 216 in the flood affected areas and in 287 other places'.
Kiernan has requested the introduction of rules that force manufacturers to recall and to recycle obsolete electronics products, which end up in landfills at a rate three times the garbage otherwise.
In Newcastle, north of Sydney, one of the volunteers were divers who dived to the bottom of the port to retrieve broken bottles, chairs, fishing rods and fishing line and a bicycle. Good Day


Monday, March 7, 2011

Ladies Working Clothes

food and health.

to dispel the myth that food hurts too far, here is a story that gives us some indication of which foods are healthy. In
technical term is called nutraceuticals, in practice the word refers to a set of so-called "functional foods", or foods that contain active ingredients of plant or animal origin can play a beneficial effect on our physical and curative like the drug. These super-foods can be useful against many diseases like hypertension, depression, Alzheimer's disease and metabolic syndrome. In short, choosing the right foods can be challenging to many shots of a knife and fork "epidemics" 'Italy's aging.
For example, not everyone knows that maize is able to develop our body's defenses against some toxic substances in the air is filled full of smog in our cities. Explain Cesare Sirtori, president of the Italian Society of Nutraceuticals (SINut) and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Milan: "The high levels of flavonoids in maize develop defenses against toxic substances in our body called fumonisins, fungal toxins present environmental in high concentrations in the case of high humidity and atmospheric contamination. " Corn is just one example of food Friends health highlighted in Milan in the recent National Congress of SINut, which was attended by leading industry experts. "Nutraceuticals" is a term wide that includes the foods that provide useful substances, such as extra virgin olive oil, vegetable protein and soy lupine and bitter chocolate, food supplements (such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids extracted from fish), probiotics (cultures of bacteria that colonize the gut by improving its functionality) and prebiotics (non-digestible organic matter can promote the growth of probiotic bacteria).
"Besides garlic, celery and lupine - said prof. Bruno Trimarco University of Naples Federico II - highlighted positive remarks in the treatment of hypertension for potassium, zinc, magnesium and vitamins ( B6, C, D, E). Important results have recently been provided by the association between an extract of red rice and simsetina, a natural substance of plant origin. It 'was possible to demonstrate a clinically significant reduction of ressure and do not differ from that seen with traditional antihypertensive drugs, in addition to a significant drop in cholesterol. "
also against the' evil of living 'may be warranted in the case of certain natural substances failure of traditional therapies. "As evidenced by a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry '- notes Maurizio Fava, professor of psychiatry in the U.S., Harvard Medical School in Boston - have been achieved amazing results in depressed patients with no response to standard therapy with an amino acid (S-adenosylmethionine, present in all animal tissues), which helps produce serotonin and dopamine with excellent tolerability.
"The nutraceutical, combining the science of nutrition to clinical medicine, is the backbone of the anti-aging medicine - Scapagnini says John, a professor of clinical biochemistry at the University of Molise - There are foods that stimulate the body's natural defenses and the Mediterranean diet based on olive oil, fish and vegetables, is the paradigm for the prevention of many diseases. For example, the oleocantale extracted from olive oil is a more potent anti-inflammatory ibuprofen; resveratrol content in grapes and 'able to activate sirtuins, proteins that defend
cellular DNA from oxidative stress, increasing longevity, and omega-3 triglycerides regularize and protect the heart. "nutraceuticals
I can even help those who has bad relations with Morpheus: "The combination of melatonin, zinc and magnesium, inserted into the flesh of pear, improves the sleep of the elderly patient, with positive effects on mood, provide specialists Sinut. Finally, the spotlight also turned on Lupin, a legume that experts call to 'brush up' on the modern table: "At the time of the Egyptians and Romans represented a very important source of protein, but from the Americas after the arrival of new food crops (like potato, tomato and maize) has fallen almost into disuse. "Yet, the lupine has demonstrated its ability to lower total cholesterol by 4.2%. Something better can be done, always against cholesterol, apple pectin, which can give rise to an average decrease of 5.3%. But do not peel the fruit "because only the peel contains pectin.
How to say well there is a slightly for every "evil" ... good day!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Our Space "Life "....

The feeling that our living space decreases every day, we have the dawn of time, ie when a certain point become adults we realize that the pitch of "meeting" after our tasks is gone.
are cleared each year in Italy an average of 500 square kilometers of land, as if it were swallowed up the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Milan. In the lead, Lombardy with 14% of artificial surfaces, followed by Veneto (11%), Campania (10.7%), Lazio and Emilia-Romagna (9%). And there 'then the case of Rome''striking''that 15 years has seen the urban areas increased by 12%. This is the main aspect which focuses on the annual report 'Environment Italy 2011' Environment League, presented today in Rome. The estimate
more 'reliable urban areas - according to the report published by Editions Environment - and 'a''''2,350,000 acres, representing 7.6% of the country, equal to 415 square meters per capita. The consumption of the earth''- said Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, president of Legambiente - and today 'an indicator of the country's problems'', so' as the hydrogeological''.'' The photographer
Legambiente report emergencies such as the emergence of the beautiful country homes, the decline in GDP and consumption. Among the unresolved issues, Legambiente still reports the mobility 'and pollution (especially in the Po Valley), as well as employment, culture, and research. Good results are achieved with the expansion of forests, and (in part) in the waste sector.
will eventually give us ... to set ourselves a limit?
Good Day! Roberto

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Jersey Bmx Ramps For Sale

The Kyoto Protocol ... the tale of the century!

seems the fattest mockery of the story, a joke, a good intention that no one ever joined. Click
''clarity on the future of the Kyoto Protocol.'' And 'This was the invitation that Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC - United Nations framework convention on climate change) has addressed the''government''during a visit to Japan, where on Thursday' March 3 and 'A series of informal negotiations between Japan and Brazil.
Chief United Nations climate change has also asked for'' rapidly in the last agreements reached at Cancun Summit into concrete action.'' As outlined in Cancun - continued the Secretary of the Convention - is the''most 'complete package ever agreed by the governments''to''reach a comprehensive agreement.''
Although''the sum of the promises of reducing emissions to reach only 60% of what 'community that is indicated by the' scientific.'' Governments - Figueres said - should''take the plunge this year at the Durban conference.'' States, so has' concluded Figueres, should find ways to cut emissions of the''double'', also deciding the fate of the Kyoto Protocol,''the only current that led to a reduction in emissions'', and''ensure''funding technology to developing countries.
A "lecitissimo" certainly wish you a good weekend! Roberto

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Colorado Unemployment

of Endearment!

Teneroni across Europe, unite: you have an asset that can positively transform the world. Although it is a virtue that reflects the difficulty of the turns and is especially endangered by stress, the tenderness is a luxury that most people can not give up. And in a hypothetical ranking of the peoples of Europe more tender, the palm belongs to the Portuguese, but our countrymen are in third place, while the second place are the Spaniards.
are the results of research on the theme of a curious tenderness which involved eight countries in Western Europe, commissioned by Milka brand, famous for its milk chocolate. The people of Europe was more tender than Portugal, while our compatriots have preceded the order, Austria, Germany, France and Holland. Interestingly
which are considered the most frequent obstacles to tenderness. 36% of Italians consider the true stress barrier to the expression of tenderness, but there are those who dare not show up for tender modesty: 32% judge a soft approach is not appropriate in most cases. while another 21% prefer to keep their distance. However, 86% of Italians surveyed said making a gesture of tenderness at least once a day. And 47% thought that Italy might be a better country if there was more tenderness, the highest percentage recorded across Europe.
Those who share this conviction, but does not know how to do just to give himself and the other a soft touch on his life, may consult these guidelines:
The tenderness does not steal time, but transforms it: just add a smile to the you do.
's the best antidote to stress - helps you relax and unwind.
A young person is not weak, simply does not needs
show duration: is actually a very solid and conscious, which is free from fear of the judgments of others.
Tenderness is the best choice, always the most appropriate option is to be at ease in any situation.
Tenderness is simple: just a small gesture to turn a tense situation into a positive moment. It 's a simple daily action that can infect those around us.
Tenderness improves human relations:
's a way to make themselves known: sharing thoughts and emotions is easier to meet and establish who's in front of better understanding, to go beyond appearances. The
tenderness are a gift from ... share. Good Day


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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From Geneva, the "Eco-Car"

In the world of car production is beginning to seriously think about environmentally friendly cars.
zero emission mobility for everyone. This was announced by Renault at the Geneva submitting the final version of Twizy. This 100% electric city car with two seats will be launched in Italy in early 2012 to € 6990 and will represent a viable and innovative solution to get around the city. Will in fact also available in a version approved as a quad, so similar in terms of parking, access to the ZTL and driver's license for mopeds. For Twizy not only been established what Renault describes as "an unbeatable price" but also a rental fee of bacteria in 45 euro per month with lump sum of 7,500 km per year.
Are we on the right track.
Good Day!

Where's The Crest On Poptropica

June 5 World Environment Day !

2011 edition of the next World Environment Day, June 5, will be 'the first time for India to host the main celebrations. In the spotlight its strongly growing economy, pointing to a process of transition to green economy. In the international forest
the theme of World Environment Day 2011, and 'dedicated to the green lungs of the planet. India and 'a country of 1.2 billion of people who continue to deal with the problem of pressure on forests, especially in areas most 'populated areas where people cultivate their land and overgrazing contributes to the phenomenon of desertification. The government, however, 'has developed a system for reforestation projects and has introduced that monitor the health of plants, animals, water and other natural resources, including habitats that are home to an icon of the animal: the tiger.
''India - said the executive director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Achim Steiner - and 'famous for its culture, art, film and IT industries. At the same time and 'cutting-edge initiatives to' green ' a green economy that's taking place globally. From its wind turbines solar industry, to the investment rules in the conservation of water resources and land management, were laid the foundations of a new model of development''.
The Asian tiger is currently planning a major clean energy projects in the world, that will produce 'three thousand and 10 thousand megawatts of solar MW of wind power in the region of Karnataka, southwest India. The first phase of the project by $ 50 billion will start 'the next year. The two cities 'most' important, New Delhi and Mumbai, will host the main events of World Environment Day 2011, after the great success of 2010, involving 112 countries. A record global initiatives, this year with an eye to the protection of forests, will be 'the website of the event.
Who knows what results will emerge?
Good Day! Roberto

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The scent of orange blossoms in Endangered Animals

Ch andthe day should be as opulent as possible has always been true even if the new trends that are pushing minimalism also save face in the pair.
The choice is endless: you can exchange rings according to the medieval rite, or under an arch of flowers, according to the American style so popular by the film. Or you can toast to the guests with so fateful immersed in a setting fairy or gothic-dark. In short, every idea is good for those who want originality and is not afraid of falling into the bizarre. Who does not want to risk displeasing some relative traditionalist, then, after the marriage contract legally according to the traditional trappings, replies with a ceremony outside the normal or decide to involve their guests in a reception issue.
"60% of couples who come to us and that does not get married in church is not happy with the civil ceremony in town, said to be too hasty - Jasmine says Ferraris Wedding Planner Ltd - So after the ceremony, we are asked to reproduce the ceremony in another location ". The marriage must be strong American with the classic bow and flower petals scattered on the ground. In this case, we usually choose a villa, said Ferraris, or a nice beach. In these cases "to drive the event is an actor who is also our 'blessing' of the spouses. It 's a way to make the occasion more romantic."
also love the medieval ceremony, in which case history lovers rely on the expert for a real blast from the past. "Lately it's very trendy, it's trendy to be married in a different way," says Henry Barzagli, medieval wedding planner. The ritual takes place naturally in a suitable location, such as a castle or historic house. "Everything takes place with intervals music and the traditional rite of the time, says Barzagli, when "according to the possessions of the two families, was drawn up and signed the bride's dowry." The groom then pronounced as "the oath of mundeburdio, protection, and the bride promises other things, like loyalty and care of the house." Finally there is the affixing of signatures at the bottom of a scroll to sanction the union took place.
The scene starts with a minimum of € 3000-3500 but the price may go up depending on the needs of the spouses. The real fans, who may wear period costumes, they ask all the guests to prepare for a medieval dinner or lunch. "You start with simple courses like fruit salad, cheese, that aid digestion and then with more elaborate dishes such as quail stuffed with pork, "says Barzagli has recreated that for some customers, along with other professionals, real tournaments," riders who collide and give show in front of guests sitting at the table. "
Another kind of ceremony is very popular in fantasy or in the Celtic style. For those who want to celebrate in style vintage wedding dress is the '50s, with feathers and veils, but there ' And those who love ethnic, zen, or the gothic-dark. Another very popular style is the "fairy" in which the environment is re-created the woods, with the bride and bridesmaids wearing clothes fairy banquet followed by biological .
This kind of wedding "alternative" is claimed, mature couples, who may already have a first marriage behind. More difficult is the first marriage of young people, whose choices are often financed and influenced by the tastes of their parents. As reported by Agnes Grazioli, Agency of Rome 'Noemi Weddings', "of course those who want to legalize their status must first be married in church or municipality as provided by law." Then, of course, everyone can do what they prefer: the important thing is to remember that the success of a ceremony of this kind depends very much on what the guests to get involved.
Auguriii! Roberto

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Sometimes they talk and maybe we meet to hear some news from a distance, with those that quell'indolenza: 2tanto far from us. "Instead, our eco-system is risking a lot with the possible extinction of species animals.
From a genetic perspective, the Siberian tiger and 'practically extinct, being less than 14 copies left., according to a study published in the journal Mammalian Biology, that the few hundred remaining tigers diversity' genetic 'very low, a sign of poor health.
A team of researchers in Russia, Spain and Germany analyzed the DNA of 15 specimens of Siberian tiger, looking for some specific markers of abundance population genetics, which show how the sample studied is different from their parents. The result 'was that in recent history, probably in the '20s and '40s, there was a' genetic bottleneck ', a period that is' where the tigers were so' very little to diminish the amount 'genes' available ', from which these animals have not been more' included. A great diversity
'genetic' essential for an animal species, because 'decreases the probability' of disease transmission and rare because 'people with the same genes are more' vulnerable to disease: "The level and 'so' down - claim experts - to cast doubt on the possibility 'to save these animals. "
A moment to stop and think that I think is more "acceptable" Good Day! Roberto