Friday, December 24, 2010

Valrhona Harrods 2010

Craniosacral therapy: what is it?

What 'the craniosacral system
The central nervous system' s unique structure of our body not to be subject to gravity.
This is a semi-closed hydraulic system, in which the cerebrospinal fluid produced in the choroid plexus of the ventricles, circulates in the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord to be absorbed in the arachnoid granulations. In this way, just as each of us when he lived in the womb "floating" indifferent to gravity, the nervous system floats in the fluid formed by the cerebrospinal fluid. As the fetus is in contact with the outside world through the sense organs and the umbilical cord, so our nervous system, as well as the sense organs (which are directly connected to it) exchange information with the outside through fluid in which they are immersed.
In fact, some recent studies seem to confirm the movement of cerebrospinal fluid in all tissues of the body through a dense network, parallel to the capillaries and nervous system. But as the medical and scientific research (it is a fact, not a polemic notation) is possible only if sponsored and financed by agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical, which can and must make a profit from the results of the research itself, as is evident to all Research on the meaning of the craniosacral system will always come second to those which may lead to patent a new drug.
To date, the biomedical science to know the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (produced by filtration of the blood in quantities of 100 to 1000 cc / day) is only part of which it provides a "cushioning" the impact that could damage the nervous system, and partly that it performs the function of nourishing and purifying substances toxic delicate nerve tissue.
Western medicine has always regarded the body fluids (from the doctrine of the humors of Hippocratic medicine) as vehicles of disease, so that up to (relatively) recently, fasting, bloodletting, enemas and all other practices which serve to expel fluids were considered the prince remedy against any disease.
Today, fortunately, we believe that as with all fluids, the function of cerebrospinal fluid would be to act as a conveyor of information: they are transported with the liquid vitamins, toxins, neurotransmitters and related information. These can come through the sense organs to nerve structures deputies for their preparation, and from there be transported to the rest of the body to all cells via the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is directly in contact with the neural structures, and that after filtration in the cerebral ventricles leads them through the entire body. There are other non-cognitive information, that is beyond our conscious perception and processing: for them the immune system whose purpose is, our inner eye, that watches the clock to protect us and to inform us not only about the "attacks" of toxic substances in the material sense, but which, together with other systems, he worked for implement defensive strategies against the "toxins" psycho-emotional.
On the meninges are immune cells: the antigen to the brain with blood (which, filtered, becomes in the cerebral ventricles cerebrospinal fluid) and are intercepted by immune cells, microglia and lymphocytes involving crossing the blood-brain barrier and hence pass to the interstitial fluid and lymph. The fact that all material substances to be transported to the "information" is a hypothesis that seems plausible in light of the same quantum physics, if we think that any information (the wave, thought, emotion), there is a corresponding material entity ( the particle, the hormone, neuropeptide) and vice versa. Life is expressed through the medium of the cerebrospinal fluid that determines the movement of the fabrics that stand between it and the structures rigid bones. These, in turn, produce a movement of the tissues and fluids associated with them resulting in the transmission of information, namely energy. We move from energy to matter and vice versa, according to a number of different rhythms, of which the craniosacral is one of the most mysterious and fascinating.


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