"From the book:" Introduction Craniosacral therapy, "by GA Morina.
If a therapist, regardless of treatment using, it feels it has superior efficacy to placebo, it should get a score at least enough to give him a living simply by word of mouth. If indeed these treatments were so effective, why are so few therapists who work full time only using alternative therapies? Why do those who claim to have incredible and unexpected results obtained from the use of certain therapeutic techniques continue to work full time in a bank or post office, and devote themselves professionally to the profession of alternative therapists? If they can, as they say, to achieve spectacular results "especially where medicine has failed, why not feel a moral duty to devote their lives, not just part of their free time to alternative medicine? The answer is obviously one, namely that, far from saying that those rules have no validity and effectiveness, they are nevertheless still managed amateur, amateur, unrealistic, shallow, usually by people of low educational level, at least compared to what we expect from those who pompously defines unconventional therapist, and not just a healer.
Moreover, the schools, that private educational institutions of these disciplines, normally belong to two categories: cultural associations, put up with such enthusiasm and goodwill from friends that they share, as well as the frequency of Some courses a few hours, a vision of life "alternative" but that is not enough to do the research and teaching of a therapy, or are real businesses for profit, selling courses and degrees as they could sell (and often do) to other products. In these cases, where the school is designed to generate income through the organization of courses, and also research and dissemination of culture, the principles in the face of falling trade and economic necessity, not teaching what is considered proper teaching, but what the customer expects to get.
This is the first point on which I want to draw the reader's attention. If we accept this approach, we will be forced to accept, sooner or later, to see the role of the therapist replaced by that, far more efficient and less expensive, machines built for the purpose. In fact, what is happening: There are already more or less sophisticated devices that record the thickness and color of the aura, which identify the points of acupuncture, which "read" our biofrequenze by reporting in near real time every organic and functional alteration of our body. There are even machines, pillows and practicing shiatsu massage chairs. If you really think that the assessment of the frequency of the craniosacral rhythm is so easy to make, and is indeed a rate objective, then why not get it done by an electronic device? If indeed the characteristics of the craniosacral rhythm are so important to assess the health of the subject, or empty and full along the meridian lines, why not change them, rather than an imperfect instrument as our hands, a device that can reproduce with absolute accuracy the pressure of even a few micrograms, on any part of the body?
What is the meaning and inner logic that is in stressing the absolute need for the evaluation is carried out by a therapist, and then subjectively, then if the result of this assessment must be transformed into an objective fact which would exclude all the logic and possibilities of interpretation? The error that is fulfilled in this case, is to assign to these connections between alternative diagnosis and its classification to a value of the scientific, whereas these data comparable.
These methodological considerations on which the therapist should ask all true, but which have no place among those, and are the majority, who believe the answer to the administration of therapy techniques with the same attitude of the priest who performs a ritual. We feel a sense of responsibility essential to address these underlying problems, and most of our courses are just focused on finding the meaning that emerges from the therapy, beyond the easy schemes and treatment protocols.
For further information, please visit his website: www.naturopatiatorino.org
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