Friday, December 24, 2010

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Craniosacral Therapy: Anatomy and physiology of the system

The craniosacral system

Anatomy and physiology of the system

not fall outside the scope of this manual a detailed and in-depth anatomy and physiology of the nervous system: the practice of craniosacral therapy requires a basic reference, scientific rigor, structure and functions of the body that we are going to contact, but not Osteopathic medicine is a discipline or even because it requires a "mindset", a vision of reality and a predisposition to health and human relations that hardly can be acquired through study and practice of traditional medicine.
We will, however, to analyze, in some detail, the system characteristics that may explain the role of our intervention and providing the substrate on which to base the theory and practice of holistic health that, beyond technique, form the worldview within which we move.
thus giving countless texts and atlases of human anatomy and physiology Medical and scientific aspects that do not require, indeed, comments, or other considerations, remembering that this study is an essential basis for placing the material in its proper context of our work, and to allow it, at an advanced stage, to transcend their anatomical and physiological aspects to explore those more psychological and emotional.
The bones of the skull and the foramen magnum

What, beyond the notional aspects, it is important to consider here is the principle of joint mobility of the cranial bones. At the base of the physiology of the craniosacral system's discovery, in relatively recent years, the "movement of the skull", the sutures do not "weld" the skull in a "block" only, as deemed by the majority of the texts of anatomy (with the exception of some Israeli and Italian texts), but if you allow even the slightest movement, following the changes in cerebrospinal fluid pressure due to its production and resorption.
In this regard, a clarification is needed: the bones of the skull does not really move in a discernible except through the highly sensitive and sophisticated analysis tools: what we perceive through physical contact is the change in intracranial pressure, a condition of tension (stress is precisely the scientific term to designate this type of force) and then an information, rather than a real movement.
Since in the twenties of last century osteopath William Sutherland spoke for the first time the movement of the cranial bones, most part of researchers and practitioners of craniosacral therapy have blindly continued to refer to the dynamics of the system as a movement.
From a mechanical standpoint, the movement is that it results in a change of position in space: fingers move, our body moves in space, objects can be moved from one place to another. When this so-called movement, however, does not involve a real change in external, will then be more correct to define it as a dynamic state of balance and tension. It 'obvious that the pressure of blood inside a blood vessel will be quantitatively and qualitatively different depending on whether its light is perfectly free or more or less limited by the presence of atheromatous plaques, but that does not mean supporting our hand on a thoroughfare, it is possible to perceive the "movement". Similarly, if putting a hand on a window pane I push it hard, the people who support his hands on the same glass, but on the other side of the window could feel tension but not the movement of the window.
remember that to avoid saying nonsense, imagining that the cerebrospinal fluid pressure has the effect of a bicycle pump on an inner tube, that the total amount of cerebrospinal fluid in 24 hours is about 500, up to 1000 cc, and then during the expansion phase of cerebrospinal fluid production and the quantity of it within the entire craniosacral system (brain and spinal cord) is a few cm. cubic. The amount of cerebrospinal fluid pressure and its variations are so small that they are not in itself sufficient to permit a skilled therapist to grasp the rhythm and its quantitative and qualitative, let alone talk about moving of the skull.
In craniosacral therapy, at least one branch of orthodox osteopathic, this would mean that any change in the structure of the bones of the skull and vertebrae will bring about a change in the functions of the system within which they work, that the nervous system.
At the same time, since the structure and function are interrelated, that is not: a functional modification of the system can affect the physical structure, resulting in a chain dysfunction, for compensation, in the rest of the body.
contrary, we think, because we perceive that this "movement" (Thin, naturally), has a significance that goes far beyond considerations of nervous system function involving the primordial process by which life manifests itself (the rhythm, the polarity, alternating).
Back to the bones of the skull.
These are structures that arise from the ectodermal germ layer, which will originate from the same nervous system and constitute a real barrier to the brain, sense organs located in it and structures that nourish them.
At the front they make up the splanchnocranium superiorly and posteriorly to the cranium: it is a shell that protects the brain, in which the inner overlapping number of layers of connective tissue disorders: the meninges.
from the outside can be identified in the dura, the arachnoid and the pia mater., which form the membranous structures (sickle tentorium cerebelli and sickle) that form the membranes of union (or separation) between the bones of the skull and brain tissue of the cortex which are in contact.
E 'own in the subarachnoid space, namely that between the latter two layers of fabric, which cerebrospinal fluid flows, feed and protect the neural structures of the brain. This goes on in the brain stem, and narrowed to form a tubular structure that, through the great occipital foramen, is inserted into the channel to form the dural spinal cord. In turn, this is protected by the spine, then go to "divide" in tubular structures with a diameter of less and less, that the neural network, from which the roots of the cranial nerves and spinal cord running along the body.
Although the study of theory and practice Craniosacral therapy does not require special skill memory and notional, however, is absolutely essential that each student acquires the outset fluent and familiar with the basic anatomical terminology.

Channel dural

This is one of the first body to take shape in embryonic connecting the head and neck with the coccyx. The dura mater should enjoy a certain freedom of movement within the vertebral canal and respect all'aracnoide, but adheres to the body in some specific points:
  • the fibrous ring around the foramen magnum
  • at the second and third cervical vertebra
  • inferiorly at the level of the second sacral vertebra
It then merges with arachnoid , and pia mater out from the sacred to become the periosteum of the coccyx.
important feature of the dura mater is its inflexibility. It causes a tension, though minimal, at one end, it falls instantly and equally to the opposite end. This means in practice that any restriction imposed on cranial meninges be felt through the dural canal up to the sacred and vice versa.
Beyond this brief and elementary notions of anatomy, the aspect that most affects our treatment is that the principle of continuity of the system from outside, information materials (food, pollutants, liquid and gaseous) and intangibles (all events in the outside world that our emotions and stimulate their mental development), come through the nervous and immune to the brain, and from there through the tissues that form the different communication structures of the body (circulatory, lymphatic, immune, craniosacral), for each cell. But beware, what is transmitted, as we have said, is not a simple material substance, but also his respect of information, so if it is true that the body fluids and the mesenchyme in contact with each cell, That may be true that each cell will informed and will then contain the same information as all the others.

The craniosacral rhythm and movement of
flexion / extension
In terms of material and mechanical, production and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid within the system Craniosacral produce a rhythmic increase and decrease in pressure within the system, this rate is transmitted in turn, on the bones of the skull, and here, through the column and the sacred, in all tissues of the body, first muscles and connective tissue.
There is talk of flexion with reference to the process of production of cerebrospinal fluid (and subsequent external rotation of the bone side), and extension with respect to its resorption (in this case the body wheel-house, "stretching"). Here, then, the principle of freedom joints of the skull can also be extended to joint sacred iliac, whose dysfunction (often due to incorrect posture, physical trauma, a lack of exercise) can affect the whole system (but remember that the reverse is also true).
Obviously, the principle that the body is a unit can not fail to be of fundamental importance not only for bone and joint structures, including nerve cells, ie in respect of the meninges: the principle of reciprocity in the tension membranes tells us precisely that given the physical link between the meninges and cranial bones, a dysfunction of the latter will affect the structure and function of the meninges, and from there to the rest the body (as usual, the inverse is also true).

Valrhona Harrods 2010

Craniosacral therapy: what is it?

What 'the craniosacral system
The central nervous system' s unique structure of our body not to be subject to gravity.
This is a semi-closed hydraulic system, in which the cerebrospinal fluid produced in the choroid plexus of the ventricles, circulates in the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord to be absorbed in the arachnoid granulations. In this way, just as each of us when he lived in the womb "floating" indifferent to gravity, the nervous system floats in the fluid formed by the cerebrospinal fluid. As the fetus is in contact with the outside world through the sense organs and the umbilical cord, so our nervous system, as well as the sense organs (which are directly connected to it) exchange information with the outside through fluid in which they are immersed.
In fact, some recent studies seem to confirm the movement of cerebrospinal fluid in all tissues of the body through a dense network, parallel to the capillaries and nervous system. But as the medical and scientific research (it is a fact, not a polemic notation) is possible only if sponsored and financed by agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical, which can and must make a profit from the results of the research itself, as is evident to all Research on the meaning of the craniosacral system will always come second to those which may lead to patent a new drug.
To date, the biomedical science to know the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (produced by filtration of the blood in quantities of 100 to 1000 cc / day) is only part of which it provides a "cushioning" the impact that could damage the nervous system, and partly that it performs the function of nourishing and purifying substances toxic delicate nerve tissue.
Western medicine has always regarded the body fluids (from the doctrine of the humors of Hippocratic medicine) as vehicles of disease, so that up to (relatively) recently, fasting, bloodletting, enemas and all other practices which serve to expel fluids were considered the prince remedy against any disease.
Today, fortunately, we believe that as with all fluids, the function of cerebrospinal fluid would be to act as a conveyor of information: they are transported with the liquid vitamins, toxins, neurotransmitters and related information. These can come through the sense organs to nerve structures deputies for their preparation, and from there be transported to the rest of the body to all cells via the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is directly in contact with the neural structures, and that after filtration in the cerebral ventricles leads them through the entire body. There are other non-cognitive information, that is beyond our conscious perception and processing: for them the immune system whose purpose is, our inner eye, that watches the clock to protect us and to inform us not only about the "attacks" of toxic substances in the material sense, but which, together with other systems, he worked for implement defensive strategies against the "toxins" psycho-emotional.
On the meninges are immune cells: the antigen to the brain with blood (which, filtered, becomes in the cerebral ventricles cerebrospinal fluid) and are intercepted by immune cells, microglia and lymphocytes involving crossing the blood-brain barrier and hence pass to the interstitial fluid and lymph. The fact that all material substances to be transported to the "information" is a hypothesis that seems plausible in light of the same quantum physics, if we think that any information (the wave, thought, emotion), there is a corresponding material entity ( the particle, the hormone, neuropeptide) and vice versa. Life is expressed through the medium of the cerebrospinal fluid that determines the movement of the fabrics that stand between it and the structures rigid bones. These, in turn, produce a movement of the tissues and fluids associated with them resulting in the transmission of information, namely energy. We move from energy to matter and vice versa, according to a number of different rhythms, of which the craniosacral is one of the most mysterious and fascinating.

Inurl Live View Axis Night Club

Craniosacral therapy: theoretical and practical handbook-introduction. Craniosacral therapy

There are some questions you face bullies the minds of those who, for the first time, look for an approach to craniosacral therapy. The first, "What?" Is the same that are placed all those who have made this sport a way of life. All of us have heard of therapy or re-balancing Craniosacral became an 'idea, intuitively correct, an ill-defined discipline, outside the rules and the scope of massage or other body techniques. Also because, unlike other techniques and disciplines (such as shiatsu, for example), craniosacral therapy has escaped being robbed operated by means of mass communication, which tend to bring into the heterogeneous category of "new age" all that does not fit in the schemes of the rigid academic teaching. I like to think that they did so out of respect, even though I know it's not true.
In any case, many have felt that somehow behind this definition was probably a strange but fascinating unknown world, and curiosity about them often "forced" to join one of the (rare compared to other disciplines) available courses or to undergo a series of treatments.
Almost as often, during my work as a teacher and practitioner, I was asked two questions.
"What for?" First. Let's face it now: I think that even if spontaneous and not malicious, a question like this means that the applicant's mental attitude is all biased towards the culture of allopathic health, in which all of us in the West, we are plunged willy-nilly. That everything we do should have a utilitarian purpose practical, immediate, the result certainly is an 'aberration resulting from a cultural setting that personal growth is not necessarily aimed at sharing knowledge and awareness of the greater experience, but only to the improvement the material conditions of life of themselves and, at most, of their families. In some cases, those in which strongly discourage my partner to learn this discipline, the applicant fails to accept the fact that a form of health care and welfare can not be used to combat disease and its symptoms, but rather to awaken the life energy and our natural process of healing through a gentle and non-violent approach. If it does not hurt, in fact, some say, is not needed.
There is a third question, which involves the central problem of awareness of the therapist, which can be summarized as follows: "there are however, techniques or procedures that may place the practitioner away from negative influences from the customer? ". In fact, anyone working in daily contact with the disease, the malaise, existential unease, it needs to find a way to adopt an attitude seconded to avoid being overwhelmed and influenced by others' pain. Often people who ask this question refers to the techniques used in pranotherapy, such as the "mental wall" or the golden cocoon ", which consist of specific views for protection of his own psyche.
I'm sorry, but Craniosacral therapy is another thing: do not deny that, as I said, even the craniosacral therapist should be able to totally not get involved, let alone that the treatment should not do everything he can to not bring home the problems of others. But it is the mindset behind this question that bothers me: If an aspiring therapist, even before knowing the characteristics of therapy that wants to learn, first and foremost concern is the possible negative effects that this may cause, then it's probably best that you devote to other activities, such as collecting funds or game bag, rather than an activity that necessarily involves a degree of involvement and consumption of our vital energy, and that is primarily addressed to others and not only to themselves. You can not think of dedicating oneself to others, the therapeutic point of view (the term meant in its broadest sense, and certainly not medical) without risking anything and without spending something of himself. There nothing could be further from the aseptic technique of craniosacral therapy treatment (as are all the rage today with Bioresonance equipment), which rejects the physical contact and even empathic communication, verbal and relational in kind with the receiver.
But perhaps the only question really embarrassing that a craniosacral therapist may feel to ask about his work is right: "But what is, in short, this craniosacral therapy?" .
The embarrassment stems from the fact that this unique therapy system by its nature eludes any definition, placing, for its character of complexity and versatility, unique among the so-called non-conventional therapies, in an area historically, culturally and therapeutically and almost devoid of original terms of reference.
combination therapy, we said, from the theoretical point of view, but apparently simple in its practical application. Body treatment, because it necessarily requires a manual contact with the recipient's body, but the most distant from any imaginable type of massage. Technique of unquestionable efficacy in the treatment of disorders and imbalances, mechanical, organic and functional, but which in reality has no objective to act on them directly.
One could go on pointing out similarities and differences with any other technique or therapy (from meditation to shiatsu, psychotherapy dall'approccio the existential malaise, chiropractic or osteopathic techniques) but the conclusion ultimately is always the same: Craniosacral therapy is first and foremost, a way of dealing with themselves, with health and with the outside world, and a cutting-edge therapeutic system whose principles are increasingly an indispensable reference for any therapist at any level and any tool operates.
As with most disciplines working on the body, Craniosacral therapy is based on techniques which, as such, could be taught in a few hours, personally, am increasingly convinced that everything that is truly useful and effective also relatively simple to understand and learn (Dr. Hamer believes that the basis of his "new medicine" may be taught in two weekends). The fact is that knowledge of technique, in our case, not an exhaustive treatment, in fact, unlike other techniques, craniosacral that, in itself, does not serve anyone or anything. What makes it possible to these simple hand positions on the the recipient's body to put into action their unique potential is what forms the subject of most of our theoretical and practical course: the therapist, the awareness, the ability to enter into a meditative state, many hours of experience, many hours of study to make and interpret its own, adapting to our personalities, philosophical, psychological and scientific underpinning of the modern understanding of health, the reality of life. For the recipient, the awareness of mind-body-spirit and the will to initiate a healing process, in which the remission of symptoms is a secondary effect at all (although it should not be underestimated).
But with such presumptuous statements, I realize it did not offer many explanations.
Just as well, because the Craniosacral therapy can not be reduced to a technique can be summed up in a few concepts and acquired with little effort, especially by those therapists and there are many who "collect" heterogeneous techniques you can apply them without thinking a deep interior involvement.
The reader and the student should not be surprised then, if a scheme of this complexity is presented as applied with efficacy, safety and confidence from the first level of study. In fact, like everything that is useful and effective, it first requires a proper mindset (which is no small thing, as it is guessed) and an apparently simple bodily contact and almost no rules. But, in reality, the results surprising that many acknowledge that they occurred from the early sessions of therapy will be more profound and definitive as the student will develop its application to the discipline, which means that every therapist, whatever the level of education and experience has come, will always feel a beginner in the heart and dedicate his life to the ongoing study, practice and to 'upgrade.
"The Eastern way of thinking
mainly consists in turning around the object of contemplation ...
a 'multi-faceted impression, that is multidimensional
formed by the overlapping of individual impressions obtained from different points of view. "

; Lama Govinda
Gradually, almost imperceptibly, the student will find himself confronted with the same concepts and the same techniques believed to have already learned, but viewed from a different angle, with different animations, with a different depth. Each topic will be continually re-addressed in a different and broader perspective, to which each of us, during his years of study, in fact, continue to constantly review and question all that believed it had finally acquired until at that time. Moreover, we will only live life for what it is: life is metabolism, that is, transformation and movement, and movement means continually adapt to the changes. We are not today than we were yesterday, but neither therapy that we use remains the same.
In terms of technical and scientific scope of this manual, as such, concise and didactic, it will be to illustrate clearly the basic techniques, positions, "jacks", which constitute the ' practical aspect of the discipline, just doing simple hints to the fundamental concepts of anatomy and physiology pertaining to the whole craniosacral system. I found it absolutely useless to spend time and space to issues and subjects that each student can deepen the thousands of anatomy books and atlases on the market, but rather, I found it useful to bring my experience and my views on the theoretical and practical aspects of discipline. But the main purpose of the work, summarized in this manual will be to lead the student gradually to a deeper level of knowledge and experience in this following the Eastern method of teaching according to which the understanding of the rules do not can come from words and explanations by the teacher, but born, like lighting, from within each of us, in a process of growing awareness of its role as a therapist, that is, someone who puts his whole self to the service of those who suffer .
Since we have hitherto spoken of doubts and questions, I would draw the reader's attention on that last question, this time, it is usually to ask the teacher to the students. This is the fateful (and purpose vaguely controversial) question: "But because each of you has decided to dedicate himself to this discipline?". Besides, as we said, the answer is linked to an irresistible curiosity for everything that is hidden behind the name "craniosacral balancing," the answers are very brief always the same, and are two: one is "because I feel the need to help others, "the other:" First of all for myself. "
What is inside you, you put yourself there, through your thoughts.
If hatred dwells in you, you shall give just hate
If you are in love and compassion, you give love and compassion.
Only the rich can give.
Those who are poor can not take anything .
Wayne Dyer
In the first case (and we will often deepen the argument during the trial that awaits us), it is the duty of every teacher to draw attention to the fact that the satisfaction of a need, though seemingly noble as that place themselves at the service of others, it means first of all the work, the service takes place, even if directly addressed to the good of others, is actually intended to fill a gap, to win a fear, to distract attention by a trauma that affects us.
Do something for others, also requires knowledge and awareness of what that is, its purpose, its effects, even undesirable. It 's a huge responsibility, because it involves the whole field of human relationship, with its load of affective and emotional values \u200b\u200bin general and not only with the use of aseptic techniques and therapeutic tools.
To give, of course, you first have something important to give. And when, at the cost of sacrifice and commitment, you think you have got enough and be able to share it with others, should be clear why there is at the service of others because, as we said, or it do with love or do not do this.
Love, as saying Chrishnamurti, " is that extraordinary feeling that asks nothing in return." We are sure, when we think of doing something for others, not to be doing really, first of all, something for us? Sure, you may disagree with someone, everything we do should be reported first ourselves, but it makes no sense as well as damage to themselves to do good to another, so it makes no sense to do good to others to do, really good to themselves. And the reason for my assertion is that, for experience, the receiver, who has asked for our help through therapy, is well aware if the therapist is working consciously also for him, not only for himself, and results of treatment in the two cases will be very different.
course, in every therapist, every person that you put at the service of others there also, and primarily, the need for meet their own, very personal and "selfish" needs. But with one difference: the real therapist is not someone who sacrifices himself for others and work in an absolutely disinterested, even at the risk of damage to himself.
The real therapist is one who is aware of what it is, its limitations, its needs, its conditioning , and giving to others always in mind the fact that he is simultaneously giving himself.
Unlike the case of those who, usually with a barely concealed sense of pride, says it wants to follow this path, first of all for himself. In this case, the problem is simple: This person is simply wrong to discipline, planning to take part in a course training therapists to be able to refer only to a series of treatments and then to enrich their cultural or solve some problem that afflicts him.
The study of craniosacral therapy is not learning a set of techniques, but it is a training for those who have already reached the realization that the therapeutic activity (in the broadest sense of the term we use regularly) is not only satisfying their own needs, but the attempt to balance the harmony improve the conditions of their neighbor.
short, holiness is not required to work in the therapeutic sense, but some awareness is required. And this point is so important, who will return often and unexpectedly in various forms, all the way we are following.
Another thing to clarify from the outset is that concerning the relationship between medicine and craniosacral therapy. Although there is a precise plan that would bring in the medical field or under medical supervision in all disciplines that in any way have anything to do with health, I think it must be a definite distinction (which is also a choice of field and vision of life), including those involved in disease, and who is responsible for human health.

Medical science has for its object the disease, craniosacral therapy, the whole person.

The fact that the non-conventional therapies do not take care of the disease is not a limitation due to a legal prohibition, but a statement of principle which arises from a conception health as opposed to the traditional medical science, and which is, indeed, another way of understanding life and reality.
On the one hand, the traditional medical science views reality as an epochal struggle between good and evil, where good is represented (a concept in today's pathetically Enlightenment) by reason and science, while evil takes shape, preferably by means of micro-organisms such as viruses and bacteria in organic disease.
In fact, I believe that evil exists only as its good, which is instead an absolute value, only a myopic view of reality to be able to eradicate evil as a separate entity own, without considering the obvious fact that it is part and parcel of life in all its forms (all that exists, according to the principle of polarity, and according to Taoism, has in it to varying degrees both good and evil). This is why every time you try to root out evil with violence, not least at the same time try to develop the good, the bad side effects she takes it or otherwise prevents full recovery.
is not evil and disease that we must turn our attention (think of this medicine, surgery and pharmacology), but the development of goodness and health.
Not surprisingly, the fury with which more than a century, scientists devote much of their energies and resources of Health to "hunt" for the microorganisms responsible for diseases from cancer to AIDS, (and a few years events responsible for the genetic modification), hoping to find a scapegoat sacrificed as our life is happy and eternal?
Someone has controversially estimated that the same funds used for cancer research (which has led to very little results, as is known), one could improve the living conditions all of humanity simply to prevent, reduce environmental pollution, food and correction of the lifestyle, greater attention to 'health, culture and education, thereby drastically reducing some of the causes of certain disease. ;
Human history is littered instead of these "hunts" to what is different to what we do not understand and do not know. Men with a different color of the skin to witches, from wolves to insects, mice and snakes, man has always felt able to solve its problems by removing physical harm, of the enemy.
Besides the most obvious example that we all in the eyes of the mind is that of Jesus Christ, not simply "cut off", but crucified, according to a ceremony that highlighted reached the domain, through restraint, the evil itself. And examples in history, there are some that many others, from Socrates to Giordano Bruno, M. Luther King to Gandhi.
What this part of humanity does not understand is that every time we fight against something that weakens us and every time we support something that strengthens us.
Conventional medicine seeks to external power, that is, to domination and control of the material world.
She hates evil and its role is to destroy everything that you think is wrong.
The craniosacral therapy aims to improve himself and others and can not even conceive that do violence to others, know that hatred and undermine the fight, and what excites him increase his strength.
The Eastern and esoteric disciplines take for granted the fact that evil is strengthened by giving it attention, and that should drive it out recognize it for what it is, but then ignore it, bringing all of our energies toward what we consider to be positive towards life rather than death.
So then Craniosacral therapy seeks to bring to the surface, the attention of the therapist-receiver system, the positive resources that lie hidden within each of us, freeing them from the chains of pain, trauma, fear , re-emerging only to be recognized, and then "broken down", reworked and transformed into their corresponding positive (that is not how our immune system also acts?).
The spread of so-called non-conventional therapies in many forms, for the reasons we all know, has led to the emergence of a host of great therapists, who may, if it were not for this widespread interest in alternative medicine, they would continue to work in a completely different business sector, depriving the next of their support.
But, of course, the downside is the fact that this common but often superficial interest has led to much confusion in an area where it would first need to they were very clear principles on which it rests. In addition, some practice these disciplines to fashion, or for other reasons pertaining more attempt to solve their existential problems that sincere interest in improving the health of others.
therapists are not required to do, and it is not sufficient to do so, the simple desire to do good and help others.
makes no sense to engage in a challenging course like this just to make a "growth path" individual, ie only for themselves. Craniosacral therapy is a therapy, and as such requires a responsible relationship with a person who suffers, and can not be used alone to solve their personal problems.
The aspirant craniosacral therapist must always keep in mind that the ultimate goal of his career, study, awareness of hundreds of hours of practice, is to help others, not to enrich their curriculum and increase the size one's own self. Otherwise, make fun of ourselves and others.
One last point: as I have already stressed, Craniosacral therapy is a discipline born, developed and spread throughout the Western world, just in the United States. His cultural background, then, is a young country, dynamic, always open to cultural influences.
Craniosacral therapy has developed into the then socio-economic and cultural west, one in which modern science has developed, from quantum physics to medicine (Western, in fact), from computer science to psychoanalysis.
Given these bases, it is open to any influence that could broaden their horizons and therapeutic due to its lack of rigid schematic, it can match the principles of neuroscience Psychoneuroimmunology and those of traditional medicine Chinese and Oriental philosophies, and body contact can be applied according to the scheme feel that every therapist is more effective, the search for the "outbreak" of its homotoxicology to Ayurveda Chakra.
This, in my opinion, this treatment gives a breath of life (it is must be said), which frees the therapist and recipient need to make constant reference to cultural impositions restrictive and sectarian. For example, if the operator feels the need to undertake a harmonization of the chakras, you can put this technique in the craniosacral treatment, but may also not strictly follow the protocol and the sequence of activation or perception of the chakras themselves, if it deems appropriate, without feeling guilty for his "disobedience."
At the same time, however, Craniosacral therapy has its own very individual aspect, the general principles of which are clearly observed: New Age is not a technique, applicable after a few hours of practice, perhaps mixed with other techniques based on different principles. E ', if I pass the time, a libertarian framework, which, as such, taxation and rejects any dogmatic construction. It can not be distorted in its meaning, the application of patterns, rituals or classifications going to clash against the principles, including above all those that are strictly scientific underpinning.
The therapist who, for cultural education, is used to greet the customer bowing with folded hands, it is absolutely free to do so, but will have an obligation to ensure that his gesture is not misinterpreted or otherwise objectionable customer, nor can he compel the customer to take ritual gestures that are outside. Remember, treatment means being at the service of someone we who must adapt to customer needs and allow him to speak in a more spontaneous and natural.
Unfortunately, I often work with therapists, novel principles of the Night, recoiled in horror in front of a client who crossed her fingers or cross your legs during the treatment, or rebuked fellow therapist who applied their hands on the recipient's body crossing arms. These manifestations of childish dogmatism, founded on the belief that certain positions blocking the recall of positive energy and negative, in my opinion, should be erased from the baggage of a serious Craniosacral therapy: the energy is too serious for those who deal with it does not have an open mind and a scientific basis: the energy, the message, information, because they stop material flow within the channel which has taken a position rather than another and that is not crossing her legs in the therapeutic relationship will end. If anything, it's true that certain positions make it easy to relax and are a sign of relaxation, while others show discomfort or "closure" of the customer, but our job is not simply to induce a state of well-being, and every location, every sign, every movement of the receiver should be read for meaning as expressed (discomfort, closures, of nervousness and agitation), it is important for the therapist, not fix it, interpret it as acting accordingly. But that is another matter, more strictly science, that we will face during the study and practice, trying to free us, during the journey, of all unnecessary weight.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anyone Northern Ireland Gastric

"From the book:" Introduction Craniosacral therapy, "by GA Morina.

If a therapist, regardless of treatment using, it feels it has superior efficacy to placebo, it should get a score at least enough to give him a living simply by word of mouth. If indeed these treatments were so effective, why are so few therapists who work full time only using alternative therapies? Why do those who claim to have incredible and unexpected results obtained from the use of certain therapeutic techniques continue to work full time in a bank or post office, and devote themselves professionally to the profession of alternative therapists? If they can, as they say, to achieve spectacular results "especially where medicine has failed, why not feel a moral duty to devote their lives, not just part of their free time to alternative medicine? The answer is obviously one, namely that, far from saying that those rules have no validity and effectiveness, they are nevertheless still managed amateur, amateur, unrealistic, shallow, usually by people of low educational level, at least compared to what we expect from those who pompously defines unconventional therapist, and not just a healer.
Moreover, the schools, that private educational institutions of these disciplines, normally belong to two categories: cultural associations, put up with such enthusiasm and goodwill from friends that they share, as well as the frequency of Some courses a few hours, a vision of life "alternative" but that is not enough to do the research and teaching of a therapy, or are real businesses for profit, selling courses and degrees as they could sell (and often do) to other products. In these cases, where the school is designed to generate income through the organization of courses, and also research and dissemination of culture, the principles in the face of falling trade and economic necessity, not teaching what is considered proper teaching, but what the customer expects to get.
This is the first point on which I want to draw the reader's attention. If we accept this approach, we will be forced to accept, sooner or later, to see the role of the therapist replaced by that, far more efficient and less expensive, machines built for the purpose. In fact, what is happening: There are already more or less sophisticated devices that record the thickness and color of the aura, which identify the points of acupuncture, which "read" our biofrequenze by reporting in near real time every organic and functional alteration of our body. There are even machines, pillows and practicing shiatsu massage chairs. If you really think that the assessment of the frequency of the craniosacral rhythm is so easy to make, and is indeed a rate objective, then why not get it done by an electronic device? If indeed the characteristics of the craniosacral rhythm are so important to assess the health of the subject, or empty and full along the meridian lines, why not change them, rather than an imperfect instrument as our hands, a device that can reproduce with absolute accuracy the pressure of even a few micrograms, on any part of the body?
What is the meaning and inner logic that is in stressing the absolute need for the evaluation is carried out by a therapist, and then subjectively, then if the result of this assessment must be transformed into an objective fact which would exclude all the logic and possibilities of interpretation? The error that is fulfilled in this case, is to assign to these connections between alternative diagnosis and its classification to a value of the scientific, whereas these data comparable.
These methodological considerations on which the therapist should ask all true, but which have no place among those, and are the majority, who believe the answer to the administration of therapy techniques with the same attitude of the priest who performs a ritual. We feel a sense of responsibility essential to address these underlying problems, and most of our courses are just focused on finding the meaning that emerges from the therapy, beyond the easy schemes and treatment protocols.

For further information, please visit his website:

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ethics in the intensive basic course

The Intensive basic course is divided into two weekend, is always an important experience for those who have the will and determination to face the unconscious side of your psychic sphere.
Even without forcing the student to explorations of the unconscious in relation to which you do not feel prepared, the teacher personally accompanies each of the students in this journey of discovery, supported by knowledge the psychological mechanisms that govern it, the scientific rationality, but also by the serene determination to surrender to the pressures that inevitably arise, as from physical contact to reach the awareness through the passage to the neural structures appointed to process the memories, emotions, the emotions, the endless fear.
There is no need in Craniosacral Therapy to address the transpersonal, to interpret the deep and immersive experience of touch, as transcendent and supernatural. Not invoke spirits driving or entity of any kind, but it challenges our consciousness to access the experiential knowledge of that second consciousness that often pretend to look to our service. The process unfolds through the perception of what is happening gradually, during a session lived with serenity, clothes lying on a bed, accompanied by physical contact, mental and emotional level of the therapist.
No presumption of treating diseases or joint disorders, or to produce an easy cure. The aim of therapy is to to allow access to a greater awareness of himself and his way of interpreting life, the only tools to actually improve quality.
For further information, please visit his website:

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Craniosacral therapy: the theoretical and practical handbook.

Preface to the edition of the Manual format ebook "Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy" Guido A. Morina.

After about fifteen years from conception of my introductory lecture courses Craniosacral therapy, driven by the demands of students and colleagues, I have finally resolved to re-publish the manual, despite my guidance has now taken a direction away from the study and practice of so-called "body techniques and energy ".
craniosacral therapy, among the many health disciplines have arisen in recent years, is still, in my opinion, the best example of how insights, feelings, emotions and memories that come to our consciousness to 'inside of the helping relationship may be used for therapeutic purposes if filtered through the scientific experimentation, and the reason for the comparison therapist / client. Unfortunately, this is certainly not the way that, in general, these therapies are designed today, in an increasingly convoluted around a few trivial concepts (quantum physics confirms that any far-fetched theory, communication with guardian angels and spirit guides, Removal of childhood trauma with a few gestures), most of whom, in a civilized country, should lead their creators and promulgators to be submitted, at least, to in-depth psychiatric.
The fact remains that, in its guiding principles (and certainly not in the rituals of his techniques), Craniosacral therapy, when used by experienced therapists can provide support and a source of information likely to be more useful and effective for many psychological tests or a history of many insights inspiration psicoteraputica.
path "alternative" started almost twenty ' years ago, however, led me to explore the many social and psychobiological aspects of human behavior, and to devote most of my studies, at least at present, the scientific basis of the processes that guide our actions and that may explain why, often, we do everything to secure a needless suffering.
I hope that you find in his small, may be at least a useful starting point for those who read the research report of the mind / body techniques or energy through the body, to clarify, in this specific point of view, the same problems which deals with the psychobiology different approach.
is the synthesis between different ways of seeing the same object that was created and developed the knowledge, and any new perspective, if it is based on rational principles and methodology of scientific research may contribute to the growth of knowledge and improving the quality of life for all. For this reason, anyone who wants to contact me to compare, on this basis, our different points of view on the subject and to assess together the progress of research in the field, I will do what you like.
Turin, September 23, 2008
Guido A. Morina

For further information on the book in ebook format click here:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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here are three tables of a project described by me and written by the pen of the Innocents Fulvia, who was third ranked the 13th international competition for the creation of a register shown "SYRIA POLETTI: ON THE WINGS OF BUTTERFLIES.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

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little sylvan world

illustration inspired by the film LITTLE WORLD by Marco F. Zimprich (Italy / Austria , 2010), presented during the Giffoni Film Festival this year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Does Cause Problems The Remote Car Starter?

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chemistry Free Response Answers 1984 B

From June 30 will be available on Editions Cuddles and boogers a book written by me and illustrated by Rita Spur and Massimo Tosco.

here are some pictures of the inside: