Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chili Pepper Costume Pattern

Angel - Life the novel (2007)

The French director François Ozon confirms talented, this time reminiscent of the cinema 40 years to bring out a full-blown melodrama. Angel remembers Scarlett in Gone with the wind, and embodies the artist who lives in his fantasy world, bitterly paying the consequences. The same Ozon said that there is something autobiographical in the personality of the protagonist, so locked in his art that he could not get in touch with reality. Angel loses his identity when he realizes that his writing can be no more than the service itself but a means to obtain the riches he has always wanted. First of all Paradise, an opulent villa like a house of a princess. Art as a means to obtain the transient goods, contrary to the personal art of Esme and misunderstood, that in contrast to Angel, is expressed only for himself. His paintings do not have ambition, and represent a gray world and intimate, which contrasts sharply with the strong colors and bold of the protagonist. Esmè pay for love, Angel will suffer for love, leading them both on two roads that intersect only apparently. In reality the two are light years away, so far as may be the cinema auteur and whispered, trumpeted by the flashy and vulgar.
short, a film inside it has many more issues than it seems, a film about art first, then love, in melodrama which the mold is nothing more than a language to talk and to address issues much more deep and interesting.


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