Urbania (Pu), August 19 (Adnkronos / Adnkronos Culture) - It 's an ancient and mysterious history that starts back in 1567, when it was founded in Urbania Brotherhood of the Good Death. " Since then, eighteen mummies rest in the crypt of the small church of the death of Urban, naturally preserved. And 'well born' a museum, perhaps a bit 'grim, but certainly fascinating, as to visit the bodies in the crypt behind the altar are about 13 thousand people a year.
purpose of the brotherhood of the "Good Death" was the free transport of the bodies, assistance to the dying and those condemned to death, registration in a special book of the dead and the distribution of alms to the relatives of the deceased. The burial of the bodies took place in the back of the small church, on land used as a cemetery. In early 1800, with the edict Saint Cloud, issued by Napoleon Bonaparte, establish the cemeteries out of town for health reasons, from the small cemetery were exhumed the bodies of Urbania, incredibly resurface intact.
In 1833, the eighteen mummified bodies were displayed behind the altar of the chapel which has since taken the name of the church of the Dead. Between the sixties and seventies, some anthropologists and biologists gave a scientific explanation of the phenomenon: it seems that a particular mold (hipha bombicina pers), caused its drying. The bodies, in addition to the skeletal structure, have the skin, organs, and in some cases the hair and genital organs. Among the mummies, that of the prior Piccini Vincent with his wife and son, that of the baker said Lunano''and''a woman who died in childbirth, a young man stabbed in a vigil dancing, complete with a glimpse of the knife, hung and that of a person who is said to have been buried alive in a state of death apparent risevegliandosi then in the tomb.
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